Dracula Put to Bed

Dracula’s Revenge is off to press! With any luck at all, Human Head Studios should have plenty of copies ready for the Origins game convention in late June. The game really came together in the last few weeks, and it looks and plays great! I can’t wait for you all to see it.

To whet your appetite, be sure to look for the Dracula’s Revenge comic from IDW, in stores at the end of the month. I’m checking out the pages for issue #2 right now, and you’re going to love them.

Update Update

Today’s update is going to be late. I was at the Human Head offices until midnight, putting the final touches on Dracula’s Revenge, which is due out the door today. Once I get that off to press, I’m sure I’ll have lots to say—assuming I’m still awake.

Freelance At Last

I’m hard at work putting the finishing touches on Dracula’s Revenge, my new horror-themed boardgame from Human Head Studios. After that’s done, though, I’m going to cut back to part-time with Human Head. This will give me the time I need to focus on my first Ebberon novel for Wizards of the Coast, which is due at the end of May.

The upshot of this is that I’ll be doing a lot more freelancing again. I’ve already started lining up new work, much of which I hope to be able to announce soon. If you’re a publisher who needs some help, don’t hesitate to contact me. I still have some open slots in my schedule, but they’re filling up fast. I just updated my résumé and CV. You can find them on the Published Credits page.

Brave New Questions Answered

Last week I asked for questions about Brave New World, and you came up with a bunch of them. I’ll do my best to answer them here. If I mess something up, be easy on me. It’s been years since I worked on the Brave New World, and my memory might be something less than perfect. Anyhow on with the questions!
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Dracula’s Revenge #1 Going to Print

I just got a PDF of the lettered pages for the first issue of the Dracula’s Revenge comic book from IDW Publishing. It rocks. It’s amazing to see the whole package come together like this. I’ve been going back and forth with the artist (Szymon Kudranski) and the editor (my old friend Jeff Mariotte) over the artwork, helping hone it until it sings. Then Ben Templesmith gave the book a little love by helping with the color correcting. It looks great.

When the letters hit the pages, though, it all leaps to life. Suddenly, it’s not just a script or a series of panels. It’s a story, a real comic. The book is scheduled to be in stores on April 30, and I can’t wait. If you want a look at the covers for both issues, stop by the IDW Publishing store.

More Brave New World?

I just spent a few weeks pulling back the curtain on the secrets behind Brave New World, I think I hit upon most of the major secrets. Of course, it’s been over three years since I finished work on the last book in the series, so there’s probably a ton of details that just don’t spring to mind any more. If you have any questions I haven’t answered, drop me a line or post a note in the comments section here. I’ll answer them the best I can, even if all I can come up with is, “I never got to that part, but here’s what I think I might have done.”


I just had to share this.

Anyone out there into Neopets? Well, my five-year-old son loves it and is always dragging me over to help him read directions and play games on the site. Some of them are pretty good, and we have a blast.

While we were poking around the site the other night, we discovered something hilarious: a game called Whack-a-Staff Member. It’s like Whack-a-Mole, but it’s set in a matrix of office cubicles and you whack the Neopets staff members as they prairie-dog out of random spots.

The best part is my good pal John Wick is on the Neopets staff. When he popped up the first time, I was too shocked to whack him, but I got in a few good lick later on! You have to register with the site to play, but it’s more than worth it.

GQM Column

I just finished my first article for Games Quarterly Magazine, the consumer partner to the indispensible Games Quarterly Catalog, published by Matthews-Simmons Marketing. You can read the press release here. It doesn’t mention me by name, as I hadn’t signed on when the magazine was announced. However, it does mention my good friends Marcelo Figueroa, Ken Hite, Peter Adkison, and John Kovalic. It’s one heck of an all-star team of contributors, and I’m looking forward to seeing the first issue soon.