Free Redhurst Player’s Edition

Human Head Studios, Inc., and Green Ronin Publishing have released a free PDF version of Human Head’s critically acclaimed Redhurst Academy of Magic. This “Player’s Edition” of the full-color, hardcover original is available now in the downloads section of the newly redesigned website of Human Head’s adventure game division (click here).

The Redhurst Player’s Edition is a player-friendly version of the original book. All of the game system information has been stripped out, along with the notes from the spy who has infiltrated the school. Don’t worry, DMs! You can give this book to your players without worrying about them stumbling across a secret you’d rather reveal in play.

We present this book as a thank-you present to those of you who purchased the original book, as well as a showpiece for those who haven’t yet. If you’d like a copy of the original, complete with all game information and secrets you need, you can find it at better game retailers everywhere or order it direct from Green Ronin’s webstore.

Dracula’s Revenge Preview Copy

I just got an early copy of the Dracula’s Revenge comic book from IDW Publishing. It looks great. If you like the edgy artwork of Ben Templesmith (30 Days of Night), you’ll like this too. It should be in store either next week or the week after, I hear. When I know more, so will you.

Knightly Week

Wizards of the Coast is preparing some great promotions for the Knights of the Silver Dragon series, of which Secret of the Spiritkeeper is the premiere book. One of the things they’re planning is a fan club for the line, along with a website. This week, I wrote a short pick-a-path story for the website. I’d never worked on one of these before, although I loved the Choose-Your-Own-Adventure books as a kid. It was a blast.

I also just finished an article about the series for Dragon Magazine. It should run in the September issue, which releases in late August, in time for Gen Con, I’d hope. Despite freelancing in this industry for over 15 years now, this will be the first time I’ve ever had an article published in Dragon. My first published work ever was in an early issue of Polyhedron, though, which is also published by Paizo. It feels a bit like coming full circle, even more so because the article concerns my first mass-market novel. No More

Those of you who have my old business cards or who have been following my career for a while might have stopped by my old website at It was my first shot at designing a website for myself, and it was all right for the time. However, I had to update everything by hand, which meant it didn’t happen often.

That’s one of the reasons I decided to launch instead, using Movable Type as a content-management system. So far, it’s worked like a dream. In fact, I used Movable Type as the basis of a whole set of websites I designed for Human Head Studios.

Success has its victims, though, and is now one. Earlier today, I set up a redirect so that anyone who visits the old address is rerouted here. This reminds me that I should update my business cards for this summer too.

For those who are curious, Full Moon Enterprises is the corporate name I work under. A few years back, after I left Pinnacle, I set up this S-corporation for my freelance work. It’s named after a bar I used to spend far too much time in when I was in school at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor.

Origins Awards Nominations Round Open

If you’re a member of the Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts & Design, it’s finally time to vote in the first round to narrow down the nominees to a slate of contenders for the final awards. With that in mind, allow me to take the opportunity to highlight again two products I was involved with in 2003 that I feel are worthy of your vote (assuming you’re an Academy member and can vote).

First, The Redhurst Academy of Magic, a d20 System RPG supplement from Human Head Studios. This full-color, hardcover book has garnered nothing but rave reviews and is eligible for both Best RPG Supplement and Best Graphic Design of a Book. If you don’t yet have a copy of this book in your library, please stop by and click on the Redhurst logo in the sidebar. We have several free PDFs up there, including a preview of the book.

Second, “The Price of Freedom” is a short story I wrote for the Mage Knight website. It’s eligible for Best Game-Related Fiction, Short Form. If you haven’t read it yet, you can find it for free at:

Gen Con, the Honor Is Mine

Last week, the fine people at Gen Con contacted me to ask If I’d be willing to be a gaming guest of honor at this year’s Gen Con Indy. To say “YES!” any faster, I’d have had to have answered before they asked.

I grew up in southern Wisconsin and have been going to Gen Cons since I was a kid. This will be my 23rd in a row. I bought my first Gen Con booth when I was 17. It’s like Christmas in August for me.

So, if you want to find me at Gen Con this year, just look for the guy with the silly grin on his face all weekend. No, sillier than normal.

Fast Times

I got word just over two weeks ago that I needed to cut back my hours at Human Head. I started beating the bushes for work right away. I’m happy I never got all the way out of that pool. I kept all the old contacts, maintained all the old friendships, and when the time came I was able to make the right connections fast.

So far, I’ve lined up five new novels, some great RPG work, some incredible magazine work, and a CCG. It’s enough to keep me busy for a good while. Even so, as a freelancer, I’m always on the hunt for better, bigger gigs. There’s always a shiner brass ring to stretch for.

Once I get contracts signed for all this stuff, I’ll let you know what it is. So far, the best thing about each bit is that they’re all going to be fun.

Origins Seminars

The foolhardy Steve Creech has shanghaied me once again into helping out with the freelancers’ seminar track at Origins this year. I’m currently scheduled for:

Freelancing for Beginners: Thursday, the 24th at 10:00 am  Event #9059
Panelists: Christina Stiles, Michelle Lyons, Matt Forbeck, Spike Y. Jones (tentative), Steven Creech (Bastion Press), and Will Hindmarch (Atlas Games)

Intermediate Level Freelancing: Thursday, the 24th at 2:00 pm  Event #9069
Panelists: Christina Stiles, Kenneth Hite, Matt Forbeck, Shane Hensley (Great White Games/Pinnacle), Spike Y. Jones (tentative), and Will Hindmarch (Atlas Games)

Freelance Writing for d20 Publishers: Friday, the 25th at 10:00 am  Event #9057
Panelists: Christina Stiles, Michelle Lyons, Mike Williams (Living Room Games), Matt Forbeck, Spike Y. Jones (tentative), and Will Hindmarch (Atlas Games)

If you get a chance, stop by and heckle us. I might not be able to take it well, but I want a ringside seat to see how the other panelists handle you.

Dragonstar Going Strong

Flipping through the latest issue of Comics & Games Retailer, I got a cool surprise. Dragonstar, a d20 System setting I cowrote with Greg Benage for Fantasy Flight hit the Top Ten Best Seller’s list. Everyone in the industry knows the numbers in Comics & Games Retailer are only a little better than sticking a wet finger in the air, but I’m still pleased. Not bad numbers for a setting that’s nearly three years old. Of course, I haven’t had anything to do with Dragonstar since the Guide to the Galaxy, but it’s great to see your initial efforts play out like that.