The S&S 5E Kickstarter Is Going Strong

I want to thank everyone who’s backed the Kickstarter for Shotguns & Sorcery: The 5E Sourcebook. The campaign met its funding goal in just four hours, and we’re now up to over 290%!

So far, we’ve added two stretch goals to the drive: a free PDF of the Shotguns & Sorcery comic book, The Wizard’s Wife, and a new character sheet for your games. When we crack $30k, we’ll add a ribbon marker to the deluxe edition, and there’s more to come after that.

Marty and I have been doing several podcasts and other interviews to help get out the word. For instance, you can hear/watch us on:

We’ve also gotten some solid coverage on news sites, including:

Coming up, you can also find us on the following programs:

Don’t forget, the Bundle of Holding offer for the Cypher System-powered Shotguns & Sorcery: The Roleplaying Game is still going on too. It ends the same day as the Kickstarter.

Speaking of which, the Kickstarter ends 10 days from now, on November 16. Don’t wait till that last minute if you can help it though. It’s all too easy to let it slip.

So, back the Kickstarter if you can, but either way, be sure to share the news with your fellow gamers. Getting the word out about a project like this is always the hardest part, and we don’t have a massive ad campaign behind us. Instead, we rely on our friends and fans — folks like you! — to help us with that.

Thanks for your support!