Join Me at M+DEV

This Friday – February 14, 2020 – I’m scheduled to be a speaker at M+DEV, a video game developers conference held at the Allianz Energy Center in Madison, Wisconsin. I spoke at the inaugural event two years ago, and I’m delighted that they invited me back.

I’ll be speaking at 3:15 PM on “Writing for Video Games.” The rest of the time, I’ll be wandering around, catching up with old friends, meeting new people, and enjoying the rest of the talks.

They have a tremendous lineup of guests, including Felix Kramer, Nika Nour, Allison Salmon, David Gagnon, Brian Pelletier, Stephen Dineheart, and many more. If you work in the field – or have any interest in doing so – join us! You’ll learn a ton and hopefully have loads of fun too.