BNW, Novelizations, and the Onion

Today, three articles about my 12 for ’12 project appeared. In the first, on the Civilian Reader website, I wrote a guest post about “What Is Brave New World?” It’s a question that comes up a lot, of course, and I tried to nail down the answer.

Next, I wrote a guest post for Bryan Thomas Schmidt’s SFFWRTCHT website. (That’s Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers Chat, which Bryan regularly hosts on Twitter.) This time, I wrote about how to turn a game into a novel, something I have more than a bit of experience with. I’m so used to doing it, I sometimes forget that it can seem opaque and mysterious to those who haven’t done it, so I tried to shine a bit of light into the corners of that process.

Last up, Robert Wieland interviewed me about 12 for ’12 for The Onion’s AV Club. I absolutely love The Onion and the A.V. Club, so that was a true treat. Rob asked some excellent questions about the project and the game it’s based on, so be sure to give it a read.

I’m still looking for other ways to get the word about the Kickstarter drive out there, so if you know or have any, don’t be shy about letting me know. Thanks!