Ghosts in Italy

I just found out yesterday that Guild Wars: Ghosts of Ascalon was translated into Italian and released into the wild as I Fantasmi di Ascalon sometime last year. For me, that’s particularly cool because my sister Jody spent a dozen or so years in Italy and married a wonderful Italian man who’s now the father of their two beautiful sons. I’ve been to Italy three times myself, and I absolutely love the country and hope to get back someday and explore even more of it.

According to the Ghosts of Ascalon FAQ on the Guild Wars 2 website, other translations are still in the works too. The German edition has been out since last fall, and I have a copy of it on my shelves. The French version is due out from Bibliotheque Interdite (which also publishes translations of my Blood Bowl novels) in June, and a Russian edition is due out from EXMO at some future date.

If you parla Italiano, check out the book’s page at the Multiplayer website. It includes a flip-through preview of a good chunk of the book’s first chapter to get you started. Read it and let me know what you think.