Origins Awards Proposal Away

As part of my work with the Origins Awards Task Force, I was asked to develop at least three different proposals for the GAMA board to consider and put before the GAMA voters for consideration. I just sent off the first last night. Here it is:

Back from Gen Con!

Gen Con was flat-out amazing. I’ve been to the show 23 years in a row now (I started young), and I can’t imagine my summers without it. For me, this is like summer camp wrapped up with Christmas in August, except you get to pick out (and buy) your own gifts.

Origins Awards Task Force Meeting at Gen Con

The fine folks at Gen Con have given me a room in which to hold a meeting for the Origins Awards Task Force. If you’re interested in the Origins Awards, stop by the Marriott Santa Fe Room on Friday, August 20, at 9 AM. I hope to see you there!