Mine, All Mine

My author’s copies of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Drawing Superheroes and Villains Illustrated finally showed up yesterday. It’s the first time I’ve held a printed copy of the book in my hands, and it looks great. Yair Herrera did a wonderful job bringing everything I wrote to life. On a personal level, the best part about the book is …

CIG to Superheroes and Villains in Stores

From what I’ve been told, my latest book–The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Drawing Superheroes and Villains, Illustrated–is in stores as of yesterday. If you’re interested in drawing all sorts of different types of super-powered characters–or seeing a whole slew of new ones that I created for the book–be sure to pick it up. While I’m plugging that, let me give …

Alternate Reality Reviews

Early last year, before Wizards announced it would release a new “fourth” edition of Dungeons & Dragons this year, I completed work on The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Creating Dungeons & Dragons characters. Unfortunately, because the book was written for the game’s third edition (3.5, really), it was bound to be outdated pretty quickly. Delays in the process added up …

Idiot Superheroes Cover Up

Man, I love that title. Aaanyhow, here’s the cover for my next “How to Draw” book, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Drawing Superheroes and Villains, Illustrated. Because we didn’t have the rights to use any established characters, I came up with a slew of brand-new costumed heroes and crooks, which the awesome Argentine Yair Herrera shows you how to draw, …


My latest book, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Drawing Manga: Shoujo, Illustrated, was released yesterday, June 3. As I’ve mentioned here before, I’m about as far away from the target audience for this book as you could imagine, but I still had a great time working on this book. Shoujo, for those not in the know, is Japanese for “girl,” …

Shoujo Manga and Me

Penguin recently posted a cover and details about my next book with manga-ka Tomoko Taniguchi: The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Manga: Shoujo, Illustrated. This should be in stores on June 3. Before I started work on the book, I hadn’t dealt with a whole lot of shoujo manga (Japanese girls’ comics), mostly because as an American male narrowing in on …

Things to Come

A bit of digging through Amazon.com shows that I have three new books and one repackaged book due to hit shelves this year. First up, we have the novelization of the Mutant Chronicles film. This is listed as shipping August 26, but I wouldn’t put too much faith in that until the film’s release date is set. Still, they have …

Writing Late

I was up until 4:30 AM working on the final bits for The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Superheroes and Villains, Illustrated (which I’m working on with Yair Herrera for IDW and Alpha). I ran the spellchecker, sent off the files, and collapsed into bed for a couple hours before I had to get up to get the kids ready for …

Idiot Heroes and Villians

I recently began work on The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Superheroes and Villains, Illustrated. This is another “how to draw” book for IDW Publishing, in the vein of the manga books I worked on with Tomoko Taniguchi. This time around, though, the equally talented Yair Herrera joins me to bring my notes to life and provide the real meat of …

Complete Idiot Again

This week, I wrapped up work on The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Drawing Manga, Illustrated: Shojo, the second I’ve written in the how-to series for IDW and Alpha Books. (Third if you count The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Creating Dungeons & Dragons Characters, which is a CIG but not about manga.) This is due sometime in 2008. No, I’m not …