Happy New Year!

Whew! We’re only five days into 2005, and it already seems like it’s flying by. I managed to complete the outlines for my next four novels (which is staggering to think about), and now I’m waiting to hear back from Wizards about the outline for my next Eberron book so I can get to actually writing it. I’m looking forward …

Holiday Update

I finished the first draft of my Blood Bowl novel yesterday, just in time to take a few days off for Christmas. Whew! Next up, I’m revising my outline for the second book in my Eberron trilogy. Then I’ll revise the outlines for my next two books in the Knights of the Silver Dragon series. After that, it’s the outline …

Bloody Holidays

I know, I know. It’s been deathly quiet around here lately. My New Year’s resolution last year for weekly updates hasn’t been 100% successful, but it seems that I might be able to slide through with a solid B. I spent a week in LA in early December, doing some consulting for a company that shall currently remain nameless. They …

It’s Quiet—Too Quiet

My apologies for not posting here much lately. There have been two reasons for that: 1) I haven’t had a whole lot to report. 2) Various colds and viruses have been treating my family like the Packers treat a loose football. Now, though, it seems like we’re all on the mend, and I’m rolling again. I used the blank spots …

New Novel: Blood Bowl

I’m currently hard at work on my next novel, a book for Games Workshop‘s novels and comics division, The Black Library. It’s based on Blood Bowl, GW’s game of fantasy football, in which orcs, dwarves, elves, skaven (rat-people), undead, and even humans violently spar for supremacy on the blood-spattered pitch. It’s an explosive and hilarious mix of fantasy and sports. …