My Gen Con Schedule


Gen Con is almost here! I know, it’s usually in the middle of August, but it got bumped up to late July this year, which means that freight train of fun barreling toward us is now CLOSER THAN IT SEEMS.

Gen Con is always my favorite event of the year, and if you have the means, come on out and join me there! I’ll be around for all five days of the Best Four Days in Gaming, and here’s where you can (officially, at least) find me:

Wednesday, July 29:

  • The Diana Jones Award Party, which I host. We’re going on fifteen years now, which seems impossible for an award that rose from a trivia trophy composed of the burnt remains of the last copy of the Indiana Jones Roleplaying Game found at TSR UK. It’s an industry-only event, but if you qualify and want details, ping me at

Thursday, July 30

Friday, July 31

  • 11 AM: Signing in Author’s Alley in the exhibit hall. This is my sole time for signing rather than chatting, so if you have something for me to autograph, be sure to bring it by.
  • 12 PM: Building Games in the Garage, with Keith Baker, James Ernest, Paul Peterson, and JT Smith.

Saturday, August 1

That may not seem like a lot – I ran a publisher’s booth at the show for many years, and in the times before that I’d run about 40 hours of events – but I have a slate of games I’ll be playing with my kids, plus business meetings too. It already feels packed to the rafters.

Still, if you spot me wandering about, be sure to say hi. I hope to see you there!