The S&S Kickstarter Ends Tomorrow


As you may know, I licensed my Shotguns & Sorcery setting to the fine folks at Outland Entertainment earlier in the year so they could make a tabletop roleplaying game out of it. That’s a mockup of the cover up there, and it’s damn snazzy. The artwork is by Outland’s CEO Jeremy Mohler, and graphic designer Ed Lavallee dressed it all up to look fantastic.

Outland got to work quick and licensed the Cypher Games system from Monte Cook Games, which appeared in the bestselling games Numenera and The Strange. They also lined up my pal Rob Schwalb to handle the game design duties, leaving me to concentrate on writing the background material instead. It’s a dream team.

Outland launched a Kickstarter to help produce the game back in November, and it comes to an end at 9 PM CST tomorrow, January 1, 2015. The Kickstarter reached its initial funding goal in under a week, and since then the backers have unlocked eight stretch goals. So far, that brings us to 40 pages of full-color art, a rules conversion for Pathfinder, a Players Guide, a Monster Folio, a stack of printable character cards, an introductory adventure, and a short comic included in the rulebook.

As I write this, the Kickstarter has lined up almost 900 backers and over $47,000 to help make the game a reality. If you backed it already, you have my thanks. I’m going to do the best I can to help Outland produce a fantastic game for you, and I hope you love every bit of it.

If you’ve put off backing the drive until now, well, time’s running short. Don’t miss out.

Either way, though, thanks to you for whatever support you’re been able to lend. You’ve helped make a challenging year end on a fantastic note. Here’s to an even better 2015!