The Shotguns & Sorcery RPG Breaking Goals

SNSMockupOver at Kickstarter, the Shotguns & Sorcery roleplaying game drive has been kicking all kinds of starts. It hit its main goal in under a week, and it’s been rolling right past the stretch goals Outland Entertainment set up, one by one.

So far, the backers have unlocked three stretch goals, which adds another twenty pages of full-color art to the main book, plus a rules conversion for the bestselling Pathfinder RPG as well. In another $150 or so, they’ll unlock a Players Guide for the game as well. After that, we’re looking at printable player cards and even a 64-page monster folio.

The drive it wraps up late on January 1, 2015. While that might seem like a whole year away, it’s actually only 16 days. So stop on by the Kickstarter drive and check it out, before the year passes you by!