Grab the Amortals Audiobook

51mN70j3LCL._SL300_Last week, I stumbled over the fact that Amortals has been released as an audiobook. This is part of the deal that Audible has with Angry Robot to turn their novels into books people can hear being read by professionals. Carpathia was one of the first novels to be released under this deal, and the idea was that once Audible was able to catch up with Angry Robot’s current releases, they’d go back and start working on the older books too.

Amortals’ turn finally came up. You can now purchase it at the following places, for your listening pleasure.

Tony Award-winning actor Hayward Morse read the book aloud for us. He doesn’t have the voice I heard in my head as I wrote it, but that’s probably a relief for everyone. He’s narrated lots of other books for authors including Edgar Allan Poe, Joseph Conrad, Ed McBain, Harold Robbins, Jackie Collins, Arthur C. Clarke, and Mickey Spillane. He also appeared in Death Wish 3. 

Give it a listen.