Kickstarter Stretch Goals Update

db6474d2e8f8f0d6e487981d469959f7_largeAs I wrote back on April 22, my friends have lassoed me into joining many of their Kickstarters by putting up some of my work as a stretch goal for their drives. At the moment, I’m involved in four six different drives:

  • Lords of Gossamer and Shadow: I’m creating a new world setting for this RPG. It smashed through that stretch goal already, and it still has five days left. 
  • Sovereign Stone: Pathfinder Edition: I’m writing a short story for this RPG based on a world Larry Elmore created. It smashed that goal long ago and still has 16 days left.
  • Trigger Happy: I’m writing a short story for this RPG. It cracked the goal for that today, and it still has 10 days left.
  • Witch Hunter: The Invisible World 2nd Edition: I’ll write a new time setting for this RPG if it reaches a stretch goal that hasn’t been established yet. (They have others to knock down first.) It has eight days to go and is funded, but not for my bit yet. 
  • 9645c8d14ebc3c99110b988157be21a5_largeCartoon Action Hour: Season 3: If this RPG hits $13k, I’ll write a new setting for it. At the moment, it’s over $8,500 with 22 days to go.
  • The Awakened: I already wrote the foreword for this anthology edited by Hal Greenberg and Neal Levin. If it hits $14k, I’ll write a story for it too.

These are all fun projects I’m proud to be associated with. Do go check them out, especially if you’re a gamer. If you’re more of a reader, be sure to check out The Awakened at least, and come back on Tuesday for the launch of Dangerous Games: How to Play.