Brave New World Books Out Now!

Playing a bit of catch-up, I released both Brave New World: Revelation and Brave New World: Resolution for sale to the public on my website last night, and they’re now available through DriveThruFiction, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble as well. I considered putting a bit of space between them to build up anticipation for the final book, but with Gen Con hurtling at me this week, I decided not to wait.

This completes the Matt Forbeck’s Brave New World trilogy and the first of my 12 for ’12 trilogies. I’m going to have them available as print-on-demand books soon, but they’re still wending their way through the printer’s approval system. In any case, you can grab the ebooks today!

Brave New World: Revelation

The Truth Is Finally Revealed

In the aftermath of the mass breakout of superpowered deltas from New Alcatraz, fear and chaos grips the United States. Patriot – the leader of the rebellion known as the Defiance – and his friends Street, Lisa, and Charge work tirelessly to help the people in their organization’s swollen ranks.

When a madman attacks a family of rogue deltas hiding in the Front Range of the Colorado Rockies, Patriot and his friends rush to their rescue. What they find when they arrive forces them to grab the family and race to Denver, where they wind up in a standoff against Delta Prime, the government agency of superpowered soldiers determined to crush their rising resistance.

In the course of this, the second book of Matt Forbeck’s Brave New World trilogy, the heroes of the Defiance learn more of the truth about the disappearance of the city of Chicago back in 1976, and what they discover will change the world forever.

Brave New World: Resolution

You Say You Want a Resolution

Patriot and his closest friends in the Defiance flee the United States for the warmer and safer climes of Isla Delta, the world’s only nation in which the majority of the citizens are refugees with powers. Unfortunately, President Kennedy – still in office after decades of martial law – seems determined to not let them enjoy any respite and sends the US military to invade.

With many of his friends captured and even shot, Patriot must find a way to sneak back into the USA and break them out of where they’ve been imprisoned in Crescent City. Meanwhile, those same friends managed to make contact with the long-missing city of Chicago, believed to have been destroyed back in 1976.

At the same time, the greatest villain the world has ever known has returned with a new plan to make the world his. If Patriot and the others fail to stop him, he will destroy everything within a hundred miles of Crescent City and wipe every living delta from the face of the planet.