My Archon Schedule

I’m heading out for Archon–a great genre fiction and gaming convention in St. Louis–on Friday morning, and I’ll be there through Sunday. I’m a guest of honor there, so my schedule is packed. It looks something like this:


1:30 PM (Matterhorn): Opening  Ceremonies
2:40 PM (Versailles Hall): Autograph Session
5:00:00 PM (Matterhorn): Reactor 88: Behind The Scenes
9:40:00 PM (Alpine 2): Game Design 101

11:10:00 AM (Bern): Game Design, Writing & Illustration
12:20:00 PM (Lugano): Writing Within The World
1:30:00 PM (Bern): Kaffeeklatsch
3:50:00 PM (Versailles Hall): Autograph Session

12:20 PM (Bern): Volunteer Pizza Party with the Pros
2:40:00 PM (Bern): Closing Ceremonies

The rest of the time, I’ll be wandering about, chatting with folks, playing games, and having fun. If you’re in the area, come on out and join me and the rest of the guests.