Ann on TV

My wife Ann is a school social worker for the School District of Janesville, Wisconsin. Her main job is to serve as the homeless student liaison for the district. In this role, she’s spoken at conferences across the country, and just recently she’s been on local television twice.

Tonight, she also hauled herself out of her sickbed to appear on the Janesville Area Council PTA-Family Network show. This appeared on the Janesville public access cable channels (96 and 993) at 6:30 PM. Sadly, I can’t seem to find any archives for this show.

However, back on October 26, Ann appeared on Newsmakers, a production of WisconsinEye, our state’s version of CSPAN. If you scroll down to the second show on 10.26.09, you can watch or listen to the entire show, in which Ann discusses the increases in the homeless student population in Wisconsin, along with her counterparts from Milwaukee and Madison.