Nephew for Council

As I’ve mentioned before, John Nephew of Atlas Games is running for city council in the city of Maplewood, Minnesota. While I know next to nothing about Maplewood, I know John, and he’s just the kind of candidate any city needs. I’ve counted John as a good friend for years, and I’d trust him with both my checkbook and my kids, much less helping run a city in which he and his wife Michelle live.

If you’re interested in supporting an honest, smart man with a streak of integrity as wide as the Mississippi, consider donating to his campaign. I was happy to do so myself. We need more people like John getting involved in politics, both local and otherwise, and I’m glad to put my money where my mouth is on that.

[Total Disclosure: I wrote an RPG book for Atlas Games many years back (Seven Cities), and you never know, I might do something like that again. Atlas also sponsored the Diana Jones Award ceremony at this year’s upcoming Gen Con, for which John and Michelle and all the other sponsors have my gratitude.]