My Better Half in the News

My wife, Ann, is a school social worker in Janesville, Wisconsin. She works with grade-school and middle-school kids and supports homeless students throughout the district. Whenever I wonder about how useful what I do is–especially in the face of how screwed up society can be–I take solace that Ann’s out there fighting the good fight for the kids who need it most.

The Janesville Gazette just ran a three-part article about homeless students, and it includes some choice quotes from Ann. The pieces appeared on yesterday’s front page and today’s. If you’re interested in how my better half spends her days–mired in a reality that poses a stark contrast to my fiction–be sure to read the articles from Sunday (1 and 2) and Monday.

You may need to register for a free account to read some of the material. Either way, be sure to scroll down the page on Monday’s article to see a photo of Ann at work!