WizKids Update

According to ICv2.com, WizKids laid off 15 of its 65 employees back on June 8. A few of my friends felt the axe, although since they’re not speaking loudly about it, I won’t name them here. Still, if you’re looking to hire some fine game designers, there are a number of them floating around out there these days.

It seems WizKids did the best they could in a tough situation, offering decent severance packages and expressing some heartfelt regret at the situation. The layoffs took place on June 8, and I didn’t hear about it until June 19.

Now that’s some loyalty for you. The people who lost their jobs were willing to keep their mouths shut about it for more than a week and a half, until the company posted its own press release about the matter. While these things are always hard, it sounds like WizKids managed it well. Here’s hoping that all of their ex-employees manage to find more work soon.