Hardy Har Har

One of the perks of working in a creative field is having friends that do the same. Every now and then, one of them does something fun for you because of it.

Case in point: Hardy Boys #183: Warehouse Rumble, which hits stores next month. The name on the spine is Franklin W. Dixon, one of the most famous house names in publishing, which means dozens of people have ghostwritten under the name. On page 130 or so, the writer of this tome (a good friend of mine who’s written several books in the line) introduces a character named “Ms. Forbeck.” Sure, he was probably running low on names and slipped mine in for fun, but hey, I have a namesake in a Hardy Boys book!

When I was young, I read every Hardy Boys book I could get my hands on. I popped them down like candy, and I loved every one of them. So a big public “Thanks!” to Franklin W. Dixon—whoever you may be.